York University (Canada) & Edinburgh University (UK)
Supervision provides a time for therapists to reflect on their clinical work to ensure good practice is being upheld. It is a positive and constructive support for the clinician. The support provided to colleagues aims at promoting personal and professional growth to improve the quality of their clinical work.
Supervision can be delivered in an individual or in a group format, therefore provided to a single professional or to a clinical team. Receiving supervision consists of discussing the personal and professional experiences clinical staff have with their patients or with the organisation to clarify difficulties, gain constructive feedback and advise to prevent stress, burnout, vicarious traumatisation as well as promoting new competencies.
There are different supervision approaches that can be used. The most important aspect is the collaborative and non-judgmental stance of the supervisor. As a supervisor I mainly conduct this clinical activity with health care professionals such as Clinical Psychologists, Nurses, and Clinical Psychologists in training. Furthermore, I conduct supervision on a voluntary basis for Italian Red Cross volunteers who work in the accident and emergency field.
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